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Temperature variations in farm milk transported under subtropical conditions

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Mitchell, W.D. (1960) Temperature variations in farm milk transported under subtropical conditions. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (4). pp. 419-442.



The mean temperature increase in milk during transport in cans in motor vehicles for 25-40 miles from farm to factory, with air temperatures of 73.2-86.0°F, was 6-10°F. A total of 7.3 per cent. of samples exhibited an increase of 20° or more, 29.2 per cent. an increase of 10-19 °, 54.3 per cent. an increase of 0-9 °, and 9 .2 per cent. a temperature decrease during transit. For milk in cans completely protected from air currents, rate-of-heating constants were 0.0096 and 0.0118, in comparison with 0.0223 for milk in cans transported in a vehicle with an open-slat superstructure. Temperature increases of milk in sealed vehicles were approximately 2-4 °F lower than those of milk in open-slat vehicles. Can position in the vehicle affected the temperature change. Milk temperature of "inside" cans increased at a lower rate than that of milk in "outside" cans.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Storage
Animal culture > Cattle > Dairy processing. Dairy products
Live Archive:26 Jun 2024 04:02
Last Modified:26 Jun 2024 04:02

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