The effect of crop type, crop rotation, and tillage practice on runoff and soil loss on a Vertisol in central QueenslandExport / Share PlumX View Altmetrics View AltmetricsCarroll, C., Halpin, M., Burger, P., Bell, K., Sallaway, M.M. and Yule, D.F. (1997) The effect of crop type, crop rotation, and tillage practice on runoff and soil loss on a Vertisol in central Queensland. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 35 (4). pp. 925-940. ISSN 0004-9573
Article Link: AbstractIn 1982, a long-term project was established in central Queensland to study the effect of crop type, crop rotation, and tillage practice on runoff and soil loss. Runoff and soil loss were measured at the outlet of 9 large contour bay catchments (approximately 13 ha) where wheat, sorghum, and sunflower were grown in 3 crop sequences. Each crop sequence consisted of zero, reduced, and conventional tillage fallow practices. Monoculture cropping was practised from 1983 to 1985, then opportunity cropping from 1986 to 1993. The region is susceptible to large episodic erosion when crops are not sown, there are long fallows, and soil cover falls below levels critical to control erosion (<30%). Opportunity cropping is the most appropriate system to maximise the regions variable rainfall and reduce runoff and soil loss.
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