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A benchmark for stocking rate management in a highly variable climate

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Whish, G., Penna, G. and Holloway, C. T. (2019) A benchmark for stocking rate management in a highly variable climate. In: 20th Biennial Australian Rangeland Society (ARS2019) Resilient future rangelands: integrating environment and livelihoods, 2-5 September 2019, Canberra.

[thumbnail of Whish Penna Holloway Rangeland conference 2019_v4.pdf]


Resting pastures and adjusting stocking rate to match carrying capacity are recommended for managing year-to-year variability in forage supply. Within the Queensland Government Drought and Climate Adaptation Program, grazing benchmark properties are being established to help validate the FORAGE modelling framework. Data from well-managed properties that are in good condition provide a reference for comparison with modelled long- term carrying capacity estimates. We report on the stocking rate strategies used by an experienced grazier for one of these benchmark properties.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Business groups:Animal Science
Keywords:benchmark property, grazing ecosystem, stock numbers, pasture recovery, landscape health
Subjects:Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural economics
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Special aspects of agriculture as a whole > Sustainable agriculture
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Farm economics. Farm management. Agricultural mathematics
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural conservation
Animal culture > Cattle
Animal culture > Rangelands. Range management. Grazing
Live Archive:06 Feb 2020 04:23
Last Modified:05 Aug 2022 00:12

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