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Background to the approved beneficial Cynodon spp. vegetative cultivars within Australia

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Roche, M. (2010) Background to the approved beneficial Cynodon spp. vegetative cultivars within Australia. In: Surface to Surrounds, 26th Australian Turfgrass Conference, 21-24 June 2010, Gold Coast, Queensland..

[thumbnail of Cynodon_spp__vegetative_cultivars_within_Australia-sec.pdf]

Article Link: http://www.agcsa.com.au/product/books/agcsa_public...

Article URL: http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/26_3976.htm
Article URL: http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/26_3977.htm
Publisher URL: http://www.deedi.qld.gov.au


The growth of the Australian turfgrass industry has significantly expanded over recent decades. One reason for this occurring has been with development of better suited or higher quality turfgrass cultivars for Australia’s harsh climatic conditions. In recent years drought has widely affected the turfgrass industry and as such, greater drought tolerant C4 grasses such as Cynodon spp. have been used.

In 2008, as part of the 24th Australian Turfgrass Conference Proceedings, Peter McMaugh wrote an extensive article on the couch grass breeding history in Australia. This paper contains an extension to his work detailing the current (1950s to 2010) Cynodon species found in Australia. Detailed information has been sourced in relation to the origin and development of the grasses which are suitable for turfgrass use. Such detail provides an interesting picture of the source of proliferation of newer cultivars and how the Australian industry has evolved with the introduction of overseas and Australian selected cultivars. The information adds to the preceding work, including morphological and agronomic attributes and how closely each selection or cultivar is related.

The cultivars discussed in this article (listed alphabetically) are derived from one of the four classifications identified by the breeder/author, being (i) Cynodon sp. (although the cultivar contained within the taxa fits best being classified as a Cynodon hybrid), (ii) Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis (Cynodon hybrid), (iii) Cynodon dactylon (green couch) and (iv) Cynodon dactylon x C. magenissii.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Corporate Creators:Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI), Agri-Science Queensland, Horticulture and Forestry Science
Business groups:Horticulture and Forestry Science
Additional Information:© The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation). Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission of the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/77.htm. Enquiries should be directed to Commercialisation Unit SAFTRSCopyright@deedi.qld.gov.au or telephone the Business Information Centre on 13 25 23 (Queensland residents) or +61 7 3404 6999. Reproduced (pdf) with permission from the Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association.
Keywords:Australia; Cynodon; Cynodon spp.; Cynodon dactylon; green couch; Bermuda grass; hybrid couch; Cynodon hybrid; Cynodon dactylon x Cynodon transvaalensis; AGRD; AgRiDark; Bosker; C3; Champion Dwarf; Conquest; Riley's Evergreen; CT-2; CynoMax; LEG13A; FloraDwarf; FLoraTeX; Grand Prix; Greenlees Park; Greenleaf Park; Hardi Turf; JT1; Hatfield; Legend; C1; MiniVerde; P18; Mountain green; TL1; MS-Choice; MS-Express; Cynodon x magennisii; MS-Pride; MS-Supreme; Novetek; TL2; OZ TUFF; Oz-E-Green; Patriot; Plateau; Premier; Riley's Super Sport; Royal Cape; Santa Ana; SS-2; Tifdwarf; TifEagle; Tiffine; Tifgreen; Tifton 328; Tifgreen-II; Tiflawn; TifSport; Tift 94; Tifway; Tifway II; WGP3; Windsor Green; Winter Gem; Wintergreen; C84-135.
Subjects:Plant culture > Lawns and turfgrasses > Sportsturf and greens
Plant culture > Lawns and turfgrasses
Plant culture > Lawns and turfgrasses > Varieties
Live Archive:28 Feb 2012 05:12
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:43

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