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LC/MS/MS analysis of the daphnane orthoester simplexin in poisonous Pimelea species of Australian rangelands.

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Fletcher, M. T., Chow, K.Y.S., Silcock, R. G. and Milson, J. (2011) LC/MS/MS analysis of the daphnane orthoester simplexin in poisonous Pimelea species of Australian rangelands. In: 8th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants (ISOPP8), May 2009, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil..

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Article Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1079/9781845938338.0550


Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (MS)/MS was used to analyse toxins in P. trichostachia, P. simplex subsp. continua, P. simplex subsp. continua and P. elongata samples (flowers, seeds, branches, main stem, leaves and roots) collected from various locations in Queensland, Saskatchewan and New South Wales, Australia. Simplexin was the major analyte in all taxa, with varying minor levels of huratoxin. Simplexin levels in P. trichostachia and P. elongata were higher (580 and 540 mg/kg in flowering foliage, respectively) than in P. simplex (255 mg/kg). Levels of huratoxin were higher in P. simplex (relative to simplexin) than in P. trichostachia or P. elongata. P. simplex flower heads and roots contained similar simplexin levels, with very small amounts of toxins detected in branches, stems and leaves. In P. trichostachia, simplexin levels were high in flower heads but low in the the other plant parts. The simplexin levels in aerial parts were generally higher from the pre-flowering to the flowering stage, decreasing towards the post-flowering stage; similar trends were recorded for P.elongata samples collected from a site near Bollon and P. trichostachia samples collected from a site near Jericho (both sites in Queensland). The simplexin concentration in roots was much less variable. Flowers and seeds had much higher simplexin levels than the foliage. The breakdown of the toxin in litter was more rapid compared to seeds under the same weathering conditions. Unlike the results from the litter samples, no significant decrease occurred in seed samples after 18 months of exposure.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Business groups:Animal Science
Additional Information:© CABI Publishing.
Keywords:Chemical composition; chemical degradation; flowers; growth stages; leaves; litter (plant); phytotoxins; plant composition; poisonous plants; roots; seeds; Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Subjects:Plant pests and diseases > Poisonous plants
Plant pests and diseases
Live Archive:08 Jun 2011 05:04
Last Modified:06 Jun 2022 06:05

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