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Rapid monitoring of nitrogen in mango trees

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Bally, I. S.E. and Still, L.A. (2013) Rapid monitoring of nitrogen in mango trees. Acta Horticulturae (992). pp. 107-113.

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Article Link: http://www.actahort.org/books/992/992_12.htm


Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient in mango, influencing both productivity and fruit quality. In Australian mango orchards, tree N is traditionally assessed once a year at the dormant pre-flowering stage using laboratory analysis of leaf N. This single assessment is insufficient to determine tree N status at all stages of the annual phenological cycle. Development of a field-based rapid N test would allow more frequent monitoring of tree N status and improved fertiliser management. These experiments examined the accuracy and useability of several devices used in other horticultural crops to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field; the Konica Minolta 'SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter', Horiba 'Cardy Meter' and the Merck 'RQflex 10.' Regression and correlation analyses were used to determine the relationship between total leaf N and the measurements from the rapid test devices. The relationship between the chlorophyll index measured by the SPAD-502 meter and leaf N was highly significant at late fruit set (R 2=0.72, n=40) and post-harvest (R 2=0.81, n=40) stages and significant at the flowering stage (R 2=0.51, n=40) in the cultivar 'Kensington Pride', indicating the device can be used to rapidly assess mango leaf N in the field. Correlation analysis indicated the relationship between petiole sap measured with the Cardy or Merck devices and leaf N was non-significant.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Horticulture and Forestry Science
Additional Information:IX International Mango Symposium, Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
Keywords:FF003Horticultural Crops (NEW March 2000) FF020Plant Breeding and Genetics FF040Plant Composition FF060Plant Physiology and Biochemistry FF100Plant Production JJ700Fertilizers and other Amendments QQ050Crop Produce QQ500Food Composition and Quality 1406-65-1 7727-37-9 chlorophyll correlation analysis crop quality cultivars flowering fruits leaves mangoes monitoring nitrogen nitrogen content nitrogen fertilizers petioles phenology Australia Mangifera indica APEC countries Australasia Oceania Commonwealth of Nations Developed Countries OECD Countries Mangifera Anacardiaceae Sapindales dicotyledons angiosperms Spermatophyta plants eukaryotes
Subjects:Plant culture > Fruit and fruit culture
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems
Live Archive:09 Oct 2014 00:12
Last Modified:02 Nov 2022 02:35

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